When I was getting down to the final to do's on my wedding checklist I realized that I needed to come up with a day of schedule - at first this seemed like an easy task and I sat down with a pen and a piece of scrap paper thinking I could crank it out in a few minutes and cross one more thing off the list. Well, I was sadly mistaken. The day of schedule turned out to be far more complicated and took much longer than a few minutes to put together. I ended up creating a spreadsheet that had a column for each important person and vendor. This made tracking simultaneous activities much easier :) When I shared the spreadsheet with my bridesmaids I honestly thought they were going to think I was crazy, but they all let me know what a huge relief it was to know what everyone was supposed to be doing. My vendors loved it and the day could not have gone more smoothly! Everyone was so impressed by it that they said I should share it on my blog. So here it is! Feel free to download it
here and customize to your liking - enjoy and good luck with your planning.